So, how about some suggestions? What do YOU do when you need to recharge the creative juices?
I love going to the beach, or to Multnomah Falls, and just experiencing the colors, smells & sounds. How about you? Click on "comments" to share your ideas.
Thanks for posting this question. I hope others will weigh in.
I do two things...I like to see art in a variety of media...it's gives me ideas~
...AND I like to study Torah....
Both see to fuel me in interesting and different ways!
Anybody else out there? What do you do?
Leslie Elder writes:
A quote from Arnie Westerman that I think of often when I am procrastinating from painting: "you can't wait until you feel good to paint, or when you feel inspired, or until you are ready to do the ultimate masterpiece. You've got to paint every day--whether you want to or not. Spend a little time doing whatever it takes to help you go back to work when you are frustrated...enough time wasted. Shoulders squared, smile on lips, brush in hand. You're an artist. Go to work!"
Although I can't say that I follow the "paint every day" maxim, I do agree with the principle of just "go to work".
I love this. It makes art a daily practice....a process!
When we focus on art as only a product we cheapen the process and I suspect the product suffers!
thanks Leslie!
This is a great reminder about the 1-hour-a-day beading rule. My friend David, a master Native American beader, lives by that rule, and as he says, when you follow it, some amazing things happen. I think I need to get back to it.
However, my original question still stands. All of us need input, in order to charge up our output. We need new experiences to prompt new ideas.
So, what do YOU do???
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