My co-blogger-on-leave, Lynn Dorman, thought it was funny that I was blogging at 1:00 am. I explained that I love to get work done at that hour, including my beadwork. There are no distractions from phone, TV, kids, dogs, doorbell, etc., so I can actually concentrate. It's the only time I can even begin to create web pages!
Now, I know it's not the norm to do your work so late at night, but I can't imagine how people get anything serious done during the day. So tell me: what's your favorite time to get work done (especially art), and why? Just hit "comments" and let's have some dialogue.
I'm a late night nut too! But life and my art require me to work at varying times....depending on the task.
I try to work on glass in between various mundane chores during the school year when i am teaching.
During the summer, I tend to do my planning and design work late at night. My best ideas usually hit sometime after midnight.
Kiln work happens at intervals, so in the summer, usually I am putting something in kiln #1 around 9am, switching to kiln #2 around 3-4 pm, and then checking kiln #1 between 10-midnight. My fuse box requires that I not run 2 kilns at once.
In between, I have to wash, scrape, paint and cure shelves every couple of days. I have to do this outside while wearing a mask.This work gets done during daylight hours.
I'm just finishing a big commission (more on that later) and I'm wondering how I'll get things done once school starts again! Guess I'm going to have to get serious about retiring!
I represent "the other camp"....early morning is when I have all of my cylinders firing! Late at night I can barely carry on a conversation, much less pick up a paint brush. That said, I must admit that most of my inspirations come during that inbetween time, half-conscious, half-asleep. The follow-through, however, usually happens in the morning.
Leslie said: I have two teenagers and find that I can do my artwork when only one of them is in the house, but usually not when both of them are home. They just create too much of a ruckus! I have a home studio, so I hear everything going on. It's distracting. I like to be home, however, for the flexibility it offers, even though I dream of a studio far away from household distractions! So, I work whenever the house is quiet and at least one of the kids is gone. Summer is tough to get a lot done, because the kids are around a lot. During the school year, I work during the school day when the kids are away.
My favorite time is mid morning, because I am fresh and awake and, the natural light is coming through the window of my studio in a nice way. It's tempting to work late at night, because the house is quiet, but then I'm too tired the next day, because I have to get up early. I like to stay on a good routine: early to bed, early to rise.
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