8 1/2 years ago, a dozen Jewish artists met in Eddy's living room, and dared to dream. ORA: Northwest Jewish Artists was born (although it would take a few months to settle on that name)!
A few months later an exhibit opportunity arose, and we jumped at it, even if we felt unprepared. Our first public exhibit was a 10-day showing at Oregon Jewish Museum, beginning September 7, 2006. The exhibit was appropriately titled "B'reishit."
Two months later we launched our first big art show, the precursor to our annual Celebration of Art shows.
It's hard to believe, but next weekend we will hold our NINTH annual Art Show. Much work and many exhibits have transpired in these 8.5 years. Many successes and a few disappointments. Guest artists and members have come and gone. Our little website has grown to an incredible size, and expanded to include a blog and Facebook. Our Steering Committee has worked with unbelievable persistence and devotion. The work of our artists lives in homes all over the globe. And Celebration of Art has grown beautifully, continuing to gain community support. But the excitement has never diminished, and I'm still shaking a little bit as I write this post. After all these years, I worry "am I ready?"
Whether you're a member, a guest artist, an alumnus, a vendor, or a patron, we invite you to be part of this historical event. Come and really experience the phenomenon that is CELEBRATION OF ART 2014! We're all making this journey together.
Saturday evening, Nov 22nd 7-9:30 pm
A Taste of Art at MJCC
Food & drink samples, live music, preview of the art
Sunday Nov 23rd 10:30 am - 4:30 pm
Celebration of Art at MJCC
Over 25 Jewish artists showing & selling their work
September 7, 2006
"Breishit" exhibit opening night at Oregon Jewish Museum
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