Monday, February 8, 2010

We're JAMmin'

Okay friends, here it is..... the whole scoop on everything happening during Jewish Arts Month (JAM). You can view it in two different formats.

1. Calendar grid which shows the dates & locations of all the events:

2. Detailed schedule, including dates, times, locations, descriptions, admission prices and contact information:

Thanks to everyone on the JAM committee, especially Eddy, for tireless input and eagle-eyed tweaking of these pages. And kudos to Leslie Elder for the gorgeous painting "Fiddle Fantasy," which is the basis for this year's JAM poster.

Want more background information about JAM? Check out the JAM blog:

See you all on Feb 24th at the "Pre-JAM-Slam"!!

1 comment :

Sparks of Spirit Glass said...

This blog looks fabulous. Credit also needs to go to Esther Liberman who is the Queen of blogging, website AND....the Jam schedule and calendar.

Kudos also to Susan who is building our brochure and adapted Leslie's painting for email and postcard printing.

It takes a tam to make these good things happen!