The Pre-Jam Slam on Wednesday was a wonderful sampler of music, art, poetry and theater, accompanied by food and drink in a beautiful environment.
The stage production of KinderTransport has begun, accompanied by a moving photographic exhibit by Fridericke Heuer. Everyone who has seen it so far has been unbelievably impressed. Be sure to get your tickets and see it... it's only here till March 21st.
Joanne Greenberg presented the most wonderful adult storytelling Sunday night at Oregon Jewish Museum, to a delighted audience.
And this Thursday, it's ORA's turn to "shine." Our art exhibit opens at Elements Glass Gallery with a first-Thursday reception from 5:30 to 9 pm. The theme of the exhibit is "LIGHT." Please come and see the beautiful art works on display by our members and special guests. There will be food, drink, music, and ART!! Come celebrate with us.
Elements Glass Gallery
1979 NW Vaughn St.
Portland, OR 97209