It will take place in March... there will be a First-Thursday reception with wine, food, music, and art!
The show will feature a theme of "Light," and will hang for several weeks. We're all busily working on new pieces for this exhibit, and we're sure you're gonna love it! It's not just glass... all of our ORA media will be represented.
I hope to have exact dates to post here very soon, but for now reserve the evening of March 4th for our reception.
Elements Glass Studio/Gallery/School
1979 NW Vaughn St.
Portland, OR 97209
ORA members gathered this evening to look over each other's art work. There was an abundance of incredible energy and effort among all the artists in attendance.
So many new and exciting ideas!
As tough as deadlines and thematic work are....it stimulates creativity. In just under a month we face the jury with our work....We all have butterflies, but I am confident the jury will love our work!
I was really impressed with the quality of work we saw last night too! It's very exciting!
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