Getting good pictures for the web or for slide presentations seems to be a challenge, no matter what medium! Photos of two-dimensional work are often crooked and sometimes out of focus. Three-dimensional work is hard to capture accurately, hard to light, and don't even get me started on the challenges of photographing glass!
ORA is pleased to present two special workshops to learn about photographing your art work. The classes are open to any interested artists, but there is a limited class size, and ORA members and recent Celebration of Art guests will have first preference to sign up.
Wayne Welch, founder of Oregon Photo & Digital will be our instructor.
Class #1: Photography of 3-D art: Sunday, January 11, 1-3 pm at Oregon Photo & Digital in Tualatin.
Class #2: Photography of 2-D art: Wednesday, February 11, 1-3 pm at the home of Rosana Berdichevsky in Portland..
Cost is $15 per class. If you wish to take both classes, the total is $25.
Payment must be received no later than January 9 for Class #1, and February 8 for Class #2.
Please include the following registration information with your payment:
- Your name, medium, address, phone and e-mail
- Which class(es) you wish to take.
Pleae make checks payable to: ORA - Northwest Jewish Artists, and mail them to:
ORA - Northwest Jewish Artists
02 SW Canby St.
Portland, OR 97219
Addresses, directions and details will be provided after registration.
We hope to see you there!
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