You asked what I've been up to.... I had a commission to make a tallit 6 feet long and 4-1/2 feet wide. I was up for the challenge because I figure that whatever G-d sends my way, is not more then I can handle. I tried to make it and failed two times. I went through loads of silk and a lot of stress mixed with a lack of self confidence which is something I tend to struggle with from time to time.
Then came two more orders for oversized tallitot so I decided to figure this bad boy out. The big professional steamer (which is part of my color securing processing) from a company would cost about $1,200. Although I realize you have to spend money to make money......we have one child in braces, one ready to get braces and one Bat Mitzvah coming up!!!! Choices. So I called an engineer friend of mine who looked at the professional one and said he would build me one for a heck of a lot less -- and did. It works GREAT.
The other thing I did right before Passover this year was to gift Rabbis Lori and Gary of Gesher a painting, on canvas, to help decorate their tent. I just love all the work they do for the Jewish community and felt I wanted to give them soothing. They suggested a painting because it gets wet out there. I have never painted on canvas. It was huge, as I never do things the easy way or ease into something. The finished piece is 8 ft. x 3 ft. As with many of my pieces, the colors chosen have deeper meaning. Anyhow....they were happy, or so they said!!!!!
This summer I am going to have some pieces in the Kallah that is happening in Bend the July 4th weekend. (I will not be attending because we are taking a trip back east). I also have six tallit orders in the works, our show coming up October 12 ----not to mention running 6 weeks of Art Waves Summer camps held for kids at St. Marks on Terwilliger Blvd. Oh yeah, and my daughter's Bat Mitzvah this fall.... whew!!