And I (Esther) will be taking two advanced beadwork classes this summer. One, taught by famed beading pioneer Jeanette Cook, is called "Mastering the Curl," and should be awesome. The other, with award-winning Judy Walker, is called "Entangled Cubes Necklace." Don't tell anyone I said this, but it looks a little daunting! But I'm up for a good challenge.... right??
What are YOU taking???? Click on "comments" to brag...
1 comment :
After completing the class, Rosana has these comments:
The class was EXCELLENT!!
I learned several new techniques for applying other embellishments into my canvas collages. Now I can apply paper ceramic pieces, glass tubes, jewelry, bark from trees and other items. Also other supports for my backgrounds.
Stay tuned to see my new creations.....
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