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"We were laughing and squealing and screaming with sheer delight over our ideas !!! Any little girl would LOVE this chair. "
"I guess I'm just a little girl at heart" said Laurie..... "last week I needed to buy something at Home Depot and as I walked in I saw a play house.... castle in front of the building. I ran over to it , went inside, and believe me when I tell you that if I had 1,600 extra dollars I would have bought that play house just for Moi ! I always loved play houses as a child and I still do. It had bay windows, and shutters. I was never fortunate to have a real play house as a child but I'll always dream of it."
This group chair has:
Queens and Crowns
reading about fantasy and fairy tales
frou frou
all things girly
The chair incorporates pinks, golds, glitter, snow globes, velvet and capes, into storybook magical lands.
"So jump onto the magic carpet and come away with us to fantasy land as we turn ideas and smiles into reality."
Read more about the Chair Affair and see where the chairs will be viewable.
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