Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is a beautiful little gallery representing numerous artists. Each month they rent a portion of the gallery to an art group. ORA was delighted to be invited! This morning we delivered our art and their co-op members juried our work. Selected items will be hung/displayed and all are available for sale!
The new show opens December 3rd.....and December 10th is the reception, from 6-9 and we hope our friends will come celebrate ... shop for art!
12570 SW Broadway, Beaverton OR 97005 - ph: 503.601.3300
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Giving Thanks

For our spiritual inspiration, for the support of our families and friends.
For the Portland Jewish community's encouragement and sponsorship of our efforts.
For the friendships we've found through this group, and the new ideas coming from our interactions.
For the freedom to create art as we wish.
For things we don't have the words to express, but we know it's there.
And for you, reading this. Thank you.
Picture: Tiffin Crystal Cornucopia
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
ART Enhances the synagogue experience!

This opportunity allows us to fill the lobby will color and light. It gives congregants an opportunity to look at art, meet artists and talk about some of the questions we always wrestle with. WHAT MAKES ART JEWISH? Is it the theme of the art, the religion of the artist?...well, you get the picture!
The second Friday night of each month features a service called ORA Shalom....a Shabbat for the senses. We are so pleased to be a part of this monthly event that allows all of us to redefine our spirituality in various ways.
Featured through the beginning of February are:
JAN KATZ: 2D paintings
Artists can be contacted directly if you are interested in purchasing or commissioning a piece. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the synagogue.
• Stop by and check out the work.
• Visit our website (listed in the left column of this blog)
• Are you an artist? Join us!
• Want to buy or commission some art? Contact us! oraartists@gmail.com
• Questions about the art you see? Come to services, meet the artist and ask her yourself....or drop her a note care of our ORA email!
• Drop us a note and give us some feedback.....
Diana Unterspan
eddy Shuldman
Esther Liberman
Jan Katz
Neveh Shalom
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Jewish Photographers 1890-2011

Here's the info:
WINTER: Picture This! Jewish Photographers
(5 sessions: Jan. 10-Feb. 7, 9:15-10:30) @ Congregation Shaarie Torah
$90 Tuition
$10 Materials
Developed and taught by Carole Glauber
Through readings, discussions, and photographs, we will explore
photographic work by a diverse number of Jewish photographers from
1890 to the present, and along the way we’ll examine history, culture,
technology, and changing religious beliefs that impacted the
development of their photographic style and subject matter.
Morasha/Melton Mini-School
7410 SW Oleson Rd, #404
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 384-2476
Monday, November 21, 2011
Diane Fredgant and Esther Liberman

Diane creates stunning paintings on silk that in many ways are her personal prayers. Her deep study of text opens her to spiritual visions that express a joyful heart. Silk is a demanding medium requiring great care. A single error can ruin yards of precious fabric, but in DIane's capable hands, the cloth is transformed in a magically spiritual creation.
Esther works in beads....hundreds and thousands of tiny beads. She works with needle, thread and high quality beads in a quiet and meditative fashion. It isn't just her choice of beads and color....it is the way these beads transcend their individual forms to become part of an intricate spiritual message. Amulets, memorial candle holders, bracelets, and ritual head coverings speak of love and spirit.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Leslie Elder and Emunah Noa !

Emunah Noa (left) works with ceramics and creates beautiful ritual objects. This was her first experience with Celebration of Art and we were happy to have her in our show.
Photo credits go to Ellen Shefi, ORA member and photographer.
Emunah Noa
Leslie Elder
ORA: Northwest Jewish Artists
Sunday, November 13, 2011
More scenes from CoA- Diane Russell and Glenn Decherd
There were so many wonderful moments at Celebration of Art 2011. We continue our series of photos of our terrific members and guests. THANK YOU to Ellen Shefi for taking these pictures. It's pretty demanding to set up your own booth... but to also get around to everyone's booth and snap off some shots... WOW!

DIANE RUSSELL (above) joined us for her first CoA event. Her portraits of local and nationally known musicians were a hit!
ORA Northwest Jewish Artists is proud of the many talented artists who joined us this year!

DIANE RUSSELL (above) joined us for her first CoA event. Her portraits of local and nationally known musicians were a hit!
GLENN DECHERD (below) managed to evade the camera but his pottery captivated his customers! This was Glenn's first CoA as well!
ORA Northwest Jewish Artists is proud of the many talented artists who joined us this year!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A very special night of music, art, and spirituality comes to SW Portland tomorrow night at 7:30 !
Neveh Shalom will play host to the instrumental music of Klezmocracy and the remarkable vocal stylings of Cantor Deborah Bletstein.
This will be the second time we have had Friday Night Live....and if it is anything like the one last spring, it will be a rocking night!
ORA artists Jan Katz, Esther Liberman , Eddy Shuldman, and Diana Unterspan will have their art work on display in the lobby and will be present to talk with folks right after services.
It will be a beautiful evening...the music will breathe fresh life into our liturgy. The traditional music is beautiful but when we mix it up once in while , the prayers take on new meaning and new life. Put that together with beautiful art and you have a magical evening.
The art will remain on display for the next few months....come to shul! it will be special!
The artists:
Jan Katz paints stunning acrylic paintings ...portraits, landscapes and abstracts- all tell stories in vibrant color and motion!
Esther Liberman brings beads to life in her spiritual interpretations of ritual objects like kippot and yahrzeit candles. Her jewelry is breath-taking.
Eddy Shuldman loves glass and frequently uses it as a way to express her studies of Jewish texts. The lobby exhibit features four Torah adornments/breast plates.
Diana Unterspan works with fibers in various forms. Felting and other interesting techniques lend a poetic quality to her work. She creates intriguing abstracts...several framed examples are on display...and she also makes women's hats (not on display).
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Barbara uses her camera to transform the "every day" experience into something unique. She helps the viewer see what she sees. Remarkable!
Sabina is well known for her watercolors but has recently explored the possibilities of pastels. Nature inspires her art and the results are stunning. Customers raved to us about her work and about meeting her!
Laurie has redefined fabric sculpture. Mystical, spiritual, and colorful....her designs inspire!
Pictured here is a commissioned piece that tooks months of designing, cutting and sewing.
Monday, November 7, 2011

Scenes from our pre-show set up!
Quilter Sharon Stern and daughter Anna Kodesch, extraoardinary painter were located side by side!
Two vastly different media...but same life force and energy! Keep an eye of these two artists.... this is just the beginning!
photo credits: Ellen Shefi
Anna Kodesch
ellen shefi
ORA: Northwest Jewish Artists
Sharon Stern
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

David is an ORA member and a very talented portrait artist.
His show opens with an artist's reception Wednesday, Nov 2nd 6-9pm at Gallery 903 at 903 NW Davis.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of his works will benefit the Children's Healing Art Project. YAY!
david slader
ORA: Northwest Jewish Artists
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