Thursday, October 3, 2013

Esther Liberman: an eye for the finer details!

"Root Work" by Esther Liberman

Esther Liberman approaches her work with an eye for details. The beads she often uses are tiny and the hand-eye coordination required for such meticulous work is hard to imagine.

I had the privilege of being on duty at a recent art sale when a customer spotted one of Esther's fabulous free form bracelets.  
The customer put the bracelet on her wrist never went back into the case. It was the fastest sale I have ever witnessed!

That's how it is when you encounter Esther's beadwork! You will ask how she did it, but then you'll be too busy trying it on and admiring it...and purchasing it, to actually hear the answer!

Come meet Esther and the other fine artists who will be happy to talk about their art with you...

"Verticals" design by Sabine Lippert, beaded by E. Liberman

Celebration of Art '2013 is November 3rd   
@ the MJCC 
6651 SW Capitol Hwy

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