Thursday, March 31, 2011

Proof of the Pudding

This is the final week in our rotating series of ORA art exhibits in the MJCC lobby. The current selection of works will be coming down tomorrow afternoon. So, if you haven't come by this week, HURRY!

This has been a fascinating experience. Every Sunday we've put up a new exhibit, and every Friday we've taken it down. It required a great amount of organization, cooperation, and flexibility. In some ways, I found it exhausting. But the response within the Community has been remarkable. Everywhere I go, people are asking "how is Jewish Arts Month going?" and they often add that they loved the exhibits in the lobby. So I guess the proof of the pudding is in the.... lobby!

1 comment :

Jewish Arts Month said...

It's been especially nice to see groupings of art with a focus on just a few artists each week. the lobby is bright, colorful, and alive! Do it again next year...please!